Tuesday, December 1, 2009

superhero drawin yall.

scienceman. his power is being the most awsome dude to ever live. his weakness being that he is SO awsome, he can never get awsomer.

a sad sad attemp at coloring this picture with my sad sad mouse. im getting a graphics tablet for chistmas, so you wont have to look at nothin like this no mo'. isall gonna be alright chil', isawll gonna be all right.

and heres black science man. hes like science man, but hes black.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Call of Duty 7 to be set in vietnam?

as a fan of call of duty, especially the more recent titles, i was amazed to hear that something that i had hoped would come true, might just be coming true (although it does enforce my theory that the media is spying on me and taking my ideas). it apears that the romour that COD7 will be about vietnam, or at least i hope so. i love ww2 games, dont get me wrong, but there are just to many. based on my reading of http://www.gameplayer.com.au/gp_documents/090505CoD7.aspx, its very likely that we will get to fill some commies up with holes in the new game. im looking forward to it, but many say that they arent. after reading the comments, it appears that many believe that the new game will be all about the american fight in vietnam, and wont represent the other nations that took part in the commie @$$ kickins (australia apparently is the only one as far as they are concerned). however, it appears that the people that hold this opinion have never played a call of duty game (maybe they dont get COD in australia). call of duty always shows the other fighting countries. you get to play as them most of the time. some think that its unlikely because america didnt win vietnam, but i disagree. we may not have won, but we didnt loose. we made sure of that. it was kind of like a tie. and some say they dont want a vietnam cod because the vietnam war wouldnt be exiting gameplay. they kind of have a valid point there. many say that most of the war was spent sitting in fox holes or moving from town to town walking in to a gun fight for an hour or so, and then repeating, but im sure they will find a way around that. all i know is, there had better be a couple of full metal jacket referances in there or someones loosing a hand. im serious, if idont see a sucky sucky five dollah, or seargent pile in there someones gonna pay.

Monday, October 19, 2009

pac man fan art

here are some cool reimaginings of the game pacman. i know who made one of these, but the others are a mystery to me.


Friday, October 2, 2009

japanese animated anthromorphic animal series. cat sh!t one.

cat sh!t one, is about a private military company company fighting terrorists to save innocent lives. the twist is, the american guys are rabbits and the middle eastern al quida trrorists are cammels. its funny, and since its japanese, they probably didnt mean for it to be. and that in turn makes it funnier, just like battlefied earth and those sci fi original movies. (dont watch the english subtitled one though, its not as funny that way. the stupid diolouge is more sad than fun. not because the material is sad, its just because its poorly written.)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

this is disturbing.

i first learned of this, on this wedsite. http://forums.wtf.com/f10/mentally-handicapped-man-beaten-death-t68947/ , its about a mentally challenged man at a dojo talking to people about the "moves that jesus taught him" a fight then breaks out between the handicaped man and a student at the dojo, a black belt. the mentally challenged man is only showing his moves, and doesnt want to fight, but the blackbelt beats on him. the handicapped man does considerably well against the man, but is pushed to the grond, andbeaten severly. he is actually beaten to death, then thoughtlessly tossed in a dumpster. the people around to see this in the dojo dont help the poor man, instead one pushes him back into the fight. these people that did this to the man, in my opinion, should die in the most cruel way imanigable and live their days of afterlife in hell. just my opinion.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

natural opponents

a list ive done while on my ongoing safari of the interweb. things that naturally dont care for eachother.


i hope that this was as eye opening for you as it was for you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

district 9 - inglourious basterds

let me tell you something. i want you to try this. if you havent seen district 9, or inglorious basterds, take your finger and press down on the area next to your eye socket.

keep pressing. press. harder. until it hurts. does it hurt? if it does, then you deserve it. thats your punishment for not seeing either district 9 or inglorious basterds. possibally the best two movies ive ever seen. i love district 9, and i was stuck in the parking lot for hours on end. my groups cars battery died. we had to get a jump off a tow truck, we got dissed by a police officer, and we had to push the car- I had to push the car. me, by myself for the majority. see these movies. in the same time period if necessary, just go.

Monday, August 31, 2009

snuggie - the reason mankind is doomed.

i recently heard that 2 families in alabama had a fued, and said feud turned into a full scale riot at their town hall. i thought, this is why other countries hate us. this is how we get the stereotype of americans being rednecks that fight over thur properteh. because of idiots like this, the world views america as one big episode of the beverly hillbillies. i thought this, until i saw the snuggie.

if you dont know about the snuggie, then good for you. its basically a robe, that the crossed with a blanket. aside from looking completely retarded, its not anything new. if you get a blanket, it does the same thing. its stupid, yet its popular. if we are so stupid that we think its original to put sleeves on a friggin blanket, then we are dommed. they also updated it. so instead of looking stupid and retarded, it looks stupid and retarded-er.

yes. a leapord pattern. this is how they made it "better". lets be honest, the only way you could make the snuggie better is to burn the snuggie. but it doesnt end there. people were stupid enough to buy more. so many, that they decided to make more versions of the snuggie. such as,the puppy snuggie.

and the,

baby snuggie.

you tell me why the inventor of the snuggie should live to see tomorrow. give me one reason.ONE REASON! you dont have one? i thought not.

snuggie people, i sentence you to a lifetime of listening to the jonas brothers.

its a gruesome punishment, for a gruesome crime. im sorry, but it must be done.


can someone send this to the jonas brothers, i think it would be a good cover for their next album.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

if it aint a tutorial, dont call it how to

hello person. im writing this from daytona beach in my hotel room with my family. i was just making this post because i was looking for a time lapse drawing video from tedkimchee, on youtube, and i saw over 50 videos saying "how to draw ___". i think if your making a video about you drawing something, thats great. but you shouldnt call the video, how to draw ____, call it, how i draw ___, or, me drawing ___. if you say, how to, that implies you are making a video on how people should draw. but everyone draws differently. its not a science, its an art, so theres no certain way to draw. im probably just nit picking, but thats just what i think. thanks for taking your time to read this.

Monday, July 13, 2009

a small rant about religion.

i dont like alot of people. im down right synical. but im not pre judice. i dont hate people for being who they are or what they believe. however, some people believe things- or dont believe things- that are prejudice to others. for instance, ive read that at some point the morman religion said that only white people were pure, and black people were black because they were they are desendants of cain because when he killed able god cursed him by making him black. thats screwed up. christianity says that even though it can help real people, we have no right to "kill" unborn babies. it could save someones life, but somehow its imoral. thats screwed up. i could count 1000s of things that religion has done before. but even though its done 1000s of things wrong, its done 1000s of things to help people as well. and i think that people should consider that before they mock other religions.
now let me talk about athieism. im okay with atheists, i have nothing against them. but i do take issue with the "athieist attitude". what i mean by that is the way that atheists act so snooty. for instance, most athiests will openly say "you are wrong. everything that you have lived your life based around and every thing that has helped you become a better person isfake and you are stupid for thinking differently than us." many atheists will argue that religion does the same thing. and while that may be kinda true, it is never normally that blatant and jerky about it. they act as if they are truley gods, and look down upon "lesser beings" the lesser beings apparently being religios people. they seem like if they were in a park and saw a child with a t-shirt bearing a cross, would tear off the kids shirt and kick them to the ground. if they acted less like the jerks that most o them are, then im sure that they would be more understood and more people would accept what they believe- i mean- dont believe :)

oh! and another thing, i would just like to state that creationism should not be taught as a science, mostly because we dont try to explain the religious properties of the water changing color once a tablet is dropped in it. there, thats all.

Monday, July 6, 2009

faces of evil

its a little harsh i guess. how dare i compare Satan to Hannah Montana?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

youtube, we dont want change!!!

if you are a youtuber, than you have probably heard about the new channel design that youtube is planning to shove down our throats. i personaly think that the channel design sucks. it is confusing, it has useless crap all over it, and it is an unnecesary solution to a non existant problem. if they would just make it optional, then that would be fine. but thats not whats happening here. never before have i seen such a stupid unnecesary peice of crap idea.there is nothing wrong with the old channels. the new channels are supposed to be better looking than the old, but they are probaly one of the ugliest things that ive seen on youtube. there are a thousand more things that are wrong with the new channels, but im not going to waste my time stating all of them. instead im going to say that you should go to a little website called "ipetition", where you can sign a petition about this issue. LINK!http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/youtubechannel2/

R.I.P. Billy Mays

Well, i cant believe it. Billy Mays actually passed away. I didnt know him, i mean, how could i? but he was one of a kind. i mean, he was the pitch man. sure we had anthony sullivan, but hes no Billy Mays. If shamwow guy hadnt gotten arrested, we would have him to fall back on. I mean, if you compare these guys to superheros, then it would look like this.


and BATMAN is no SUPERMAN, therefor, Sullivan is no Mays. of course, there will be other infomercial men, but Billy was the best.to the best of my knowledge, noone knows what happened to him so far, but i do know that his wife told the press that he was not feeling well before he went to bed, but thats all i know. his wife also told the press that their family was not going to tell the press much more for at least a few months for privacy reasons. i think that we will all miss him, he had many fans and friends. there are some thing that im not sure about, like who will do the oxiclean commercials? what will jabooty dubs say about this? what will the telivision program, PITHMEN do? these questions will be answered, but i think that i do know that he is in heaven if it really exists as we are told. R.I.P. Billy.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


i made this drawing with microsoft paint, in the style of a graffiti painting

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


hello. i was just on a forum about comedians, and all i saw was insults on pages upon pages upon pages from losers who loved some comedians WAY to mush and thought that all other comedians should kill themselves with rusty knives. in my opinion there is no more of a pointless waste of the great invention of man called the internet. if you are on a forum about Demetri Martin and say " demetri martin is a crap faced turd mouth who is gay and sucks gay turds!!!!1!111!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!!" then youre an idiot. unless its something about racism or satan or rape, noone has any right to go to something knowing what it is about, just to insult it. i mean, how pointless is that? if yo go to something and you know that it is made for fans of the subject, you should know that you are not the target audience and you - in the great Chris Farleys words, "SHOULD SHUT YOUR BIG YAPPER!!!!" the comedian does comedy for their fans or even just for themselves. if you dont like their comedy, then go see another comedian for christs sakes! if youre a dane cook fan, see his website and enjoy his comedy. if you dont like him, then dont watch him, or see his website, or send him e-mails. the point is, if you dont like someone, then stay away from them. that counts for everything and everyone. exept for disney, if you dont like disney or fred then you should march in the streets against them to bring them down. but if its a normal website or person or company (except disney) then let them be and find something that you do like to watch and talk about and have a good time. just leave each other alone! let peace rain brother.
but not for Disney.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A ZAENGO REVIEW - Japanese Anime

When i think of anime, i think of talking stuffed animals, men with magical powers, men that look like women, and women of two completly different age groups that look the same. basically im saying that when i think of anime, i think of wierd. for an example, ill use naruto. naruto is the perfect example of how strange anime is. a kid that is the reincarnation of a giant fox that eats towns and fights frogs. the kid is a magic ninja that goes to a magic ninja school with his magic ninja friends and fights against other magic ninjas. he says BELIEVE IT!!! all of the time but eventually stops for unknown reasons. hes in love with an unusually sexy ninja girl (i mean for her age which is like 13 or smething). he eventually meets a giant frog and fights a giant person or monkey or wolf made of sand. i dont know what happened after that because i stopped watching the show and said "this show is just to wierd" i have never watched an american dubbed japanese tv show since then. it was too weird, all of them are... and not the good kind of wierd either. if you like anime then feel free to watch it, and if you havent then you should. because you might just like it. i however dont like it. i no longer like any form of japanese tv because of how weird it is. not to say that i dont like anything japanese. i like almost everything japanese. japanese cities, japanese movies, japanese girls, but i just cant gain a liking to their tv shows. the only japanese animation that i like are the films of Hayao Miyazaki, the director of such films as, princess mononoke, laputa: castle in the sky, and nausicaƤ of the valley of the wind. these movies are wierd, but in a good way. i recomend you rent these movies if you dont already have them. well thats what i think of that. oh yeah, and on an advertisment note, check out the homemade robot chicken movies on youtube.com. me and my friend JSANNER721 made them and we would appreciate alot of views and some good ratings. thats my post for today. YALL COME BACK NOW, YA HEAR!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Okay, this review is of the game HALO 3, the 3rd game of the series. you play as master chief, the super soldier with the strength of a thousand soldiers and the guts of bruce lee. im not going to go into the story line, because if your reading this im sure you have the internet and you can find it there. another reason that im not going into it is the fact that i dont really like the story. ive never liked the stories of halo games, but thats okay because i didnt get halo 3 for the story - i got it for the multiplayer. halo games have been great at making online play easy and fun to use. its wonderful to play, and it plays wonderfully - unless you count most of the jerk holes that play halo 3. im not saying that all people that play it are jerk holes, because i play it. im talking about the people that take it WAY TO SERIOUSLY. people that dont take it seriously enough are also irratating. like the guy that has an mp3 player in one hand, a phone in the other, and a controller in wich he wiggles the control stick every 23 seconds and doesnt even look at the screen while he does it. and the second he heres a song he likes on his mp3 player he turns off his 360, so he can air guitar said favorite song like an idiot. Anyways, if you want a fun online experience, and maybe an okay single player experience, Halo 3 is for you. and if thats not enough to entice you, heres a character from the game.

yeah, i knew guys would like that.


This is a review of the one and only (thank god!) bill o'reilly. i have a soar throat right now now, so ill keep it short. i dont care for him. i REALLY dont care for him. with his combination of sexism, racism, ignorance, short temper, right winged liberal hating republicanism and over all stupidity, he is basically the equivilent of the devil, if the devil liked hannah montanah (even the devil is nice enough to hate disney). so, yeah. i give him a thumbs down... and im sure most of humanity does too.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A ZAENGO REVIEW - Saints Row 2

This is a review of Saints Row 2, one of my favorite games, saints row 2. First, lets talk about the g- word... gta. it has been said that S.R. is nothing but another gta clone, and im going to say that is bull crap. if you watch a movie, and theres another movie that has a similar setting, you dont just go and say "its a ________ clone" you put it in the same genre catagory. S.R.2 is just a gangster game, like gta. next, i want to talk about the fact that S.R.2 is just plain better than gta4, at least to me. gta4 is gritty, and dark, and frightingly realistic - but it also tries to be an action game, and a shooting game, and a little bit of a comedy game, and a racing game, and a toaster. but S.R. 2 knows that its trying to be a funny action game. it also realizes that a sandbox game means that you can do whatever you want to do. gta4 seems to think that sandbox game means that every thing has to be colored like sand. dark and brown and sad. Any ways, the think i love about S.R.2, is that, with cheats, you can become an over the top super villian. its fun in a way that you dont have rules. you can do WHATEVER you want. including dressing like a pirate, jumping out of a ufo, and chainsawing an old lady. the character customization is outstanding, and it is possibly one of my most favoritest games ever. if you have any brains in your skull, youll buy this game. and if you dont have a brain in your skull, the game is made of chocolate, so you should buy it too.

What is, " A ZAENGO REVIEW? "

on this blog, i do stuff like review items, events, and whatever else i want to. Some will just be normal reviews with a dash of comedy, and an ounce of stupidity, and some will be more serious, depending on the subject. im not going to review anything in particular, just whatever i think my opinion should be heard about. i might have some interesting little chart of 1 to ten or some thing like that.
heres what i might use.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New video on my channel.

Theres a video that i just uploaded to YouTube Called Street Fighter 4 - Why i hate Abel, its about the character Abel from Street Fighter IV. I hate him because he uses this attack in wich he picks you up and throws you to the ground. It weakins you alot and three of them pretty much kills you. And its almost the only attack he uses and i cant avoid it and it sucks monkey balls. Go to my channel and watch it, if you dont, youll get a horrible disease that eats your butt... or not, just watch.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My new BLOG!

greetings, this is my blog. On this blog, i tell anyone who cares (aka no one) my views on the world and politics and religion - but mostly about more unimportant things like video games and comic books and the internetz. So, yeah. thats my blog - well, part of me doesnt want to call it a blog because it sounds like a 1960s horror movie creature made of muk, moss, and nuclear waste that lives on the bottom of a swamp and only surfaces to feed on wacky teens that wonder into said swamp because of some crazy double dog dare they made at the big dance - wait - im on a rant, i do that alot, get used to it. So like i was saying, thats my blog. check out my youtube channel called ZAENGO. it has crappy videos on it and thats it, that will change soon though. and my friend jsanner721 has some videos on his channel as well, videos that i helped him make. well, any ways, thats mah blawg. ENJOY!