Monday, July 13, 2009

a small rant about religion.

i dont like alot of people. im down right synical. but im not pre judice. i dont hate people for being who they are or what they believe. however, some people believe things- or dont believe things- that are prejudice to others. for instance, ive read that at some point the morman religion said that only white people were pure, and black people were black because they were they are desendants of cain because when he killed able god cursed him by making him black. thats screwed up. christianity says that even though it can help real people, we have no right to "kill" unborn babies. it could save someones life, but somehow its imoral. thats screwed up. i could count 1000s of things that religion has done before. but even though its done 1000s of things wrong, its done 1000s of things to help people as well. and i think that people should consider that before they mock other religions.
now let me talk about athieism. im okay with atheists, i have nothing against them. but i do take issue with the "athieist attitude". what i mean by that is the way that atheists act so snooty. for instance, most athiests will openly say "you are wrong. everything that you have lived your life based around and every thing that has helped you become a better person isfake and you are stupid for thinking differently than us." many atheists will argue that religion does the same thing. and while that may be kinda true, it is never normally that blatant and jerky about it. they act as if they are truley gods, and look down upon "lesser beings" the lesser beings apparently being religios people. they seem like if they were in a park and saw a child with a t-shirt bearing a cross, would tear off the kids shirt and kick them to the ground. if they acted less like the jerks that most o them are, then im sure that they would be more understood and more people would accept what they believe- i mean- dont believe :)

oh! and another thing, i would just like to state that creationism should not be taught as a science, mostly because we dont try to explain the religious properties of the water changing color once a tablet is dropped in it. there, thats all.

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