Friday, June 12, 2009


Okay, this review is of the game HALO 3, the 3rd game of the series. you play as master chief, the super soldier with the strength of a thousand soldiers and the guts of bruce lee. im not going to go into the story line, because if your reading this im sure you have the internet and you can find it there. another reason that im not going into it is the fact that i dont really like the story. ive never liked the stories of halo games, but thats okay because i didnt get halo 3 for the story - i got it for the multiplayer. halo games have been great at making online play easy and fun to use. its wonderful to play, and it plays wonderfully - unless you count most of the jerk holes that play halo 3. im not saying that all people that play it are jerk holes, because i play it. im talking about the people that take it WAY TO SERIOUSLY. people that dont take it seriously enough are also irratating. like the guy that has an mp3 player in one hand, a phone in the other, and a controller in wich he wiggles the control stick every 23 seconds and doesnt even look at the screen while he does it. and the second he heres a song he likes on his mp3 player he turns off his 360, so he can air guitar said favorite song like an idiot. Anyways, if you want a fun online experience, and maybe an okay single player experience, Halo 3 is for you. and if thats not enough to entice you, heres a character from the game.

yeah, i knew guys would like that.

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